Monday 13 December 2010

Crazy Busy Saturday!

Saturday (11th December) was Crazy Busy Saturday!

And it was!

I was up early putting the final stuff together to take for the party, then it was off to mission control for a quick bite to eat before spending the next 2-3 hours blowing up balloons and curling ribbons (thank God for the balloon pump - although I couldn't feel my arms after a while!) to dot around the place!

Artistic bread arrangements and devising a priority driven project timeline for oven baked nibbles followed, then a quick half hour to get changed (btw, never decide to wear false eyelashes for the first time when you only have about 20 minutes to get changed and ready - especially if they're beaded ones! I had to cut them in half because with the weight of the full lashes all the way across I couldn't open my eyes, then I glued the bottom half of my eyelid to the top and couldn't shut my eye - it was all very traumatic! And as many people know, I have issues with eyes in general so the whole endeavour was doomed to failure from the start, so, I spent the next half an hour or so desperately wanting to rip the blasted things off! Oddly enough though, the more I drank the less they bothered me!)!

Then there was just enough time to start a glass of wine and contemplate sitting down before all of a sudden the first guests were arriving!

And I don't know where the rest of the evening went! Between checking everyone always had a drink I seem to vaguely remember trying to do my card trick and failing miserably at every attempt, dropping a tray of sausage rolls, having a discussion about the potential money to be made by inventing a bra with pockets, a spot of line dancing, having a glass of orange juice thrown over me, some dizzy moments on the fire escape and running down the street with a glass of wine in my hand (and believe or not I didn't spill it all, most of it, but not all!)!

It was crazy, it was busy, it was Saturday (and a few hours of Sunday!)!


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