Saturday 25 June 2011

Smile at a Random Person Day!

I made it my mission to smile at every single person I happened upon today!

The response was mixed, from those who didn't respond at all, those who gave me a puzzled, wary look and a half smile and those who full on beamed back at me (these were generally the ones with whom I also shared a 'good morning').

It's often easy to forget how good it can make you feel when you're responsible for making a total stranger smile - and you never know the impact that it might have on the rest of their day, or yours for that matter.

When people talk about doing a good deed for the day what usually comes to mind is holding the door open for someone, giving up your seat on the bus, putting your change in the charity box at the shops etc. but it really can be something as simple as just a smile.  It's the easiest thing to give and I gaurantee that it'll make you feel good when you get someone to smile back  (although initially it's possible (likely even) that you'll feel like a total window licker) - go on, try it, I dare you!!

And, speaking from experience, the big beautiful smile of a certain person can always make my day!

From the many smiling songs here's one of my favourites :-)


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