Monday 21 May 2012

Most Busy Thing This Week!

That would be me then!

On the plus side I've discovered that I can actually line dance and read a book (research for future 'day') at the same time! 

Unfortunately this was short lived - not because I fell over my own feet (I don't have to dance and read at the same time to do this) or forgot what my feet should be doing (I've said it before...muscle memory is a wonderful thing!) but because I was reading a book whose subject matter covered nothing but sitting down and having a nice cup of tea and a biscuit.  Ah, the power of suggestion - when I realised I'd slowed down somewhat and was contemplating packing it in in favour of an early cup of tea and cheese and crackers supper I firmly put the book down and got on with the task in hand, or to be more precise...feet.

I've tried to discover other methods of saving time but have encountered various issues.

You certainly can't save time by trying to do a little bit of a few quite large and ongoing tasks each day - best off to tackle one at a time (and when all else fails and deadlines are rapidly approaching...speak to Uncle Al!).  Also, remember that a little task (taskette if you will) is more than capable of mushrooming into something more time-consuming and frustrating than you had planned - you can never account for the idiocy of other people who are far too intent on making themselves look superior to you to actually GET THE POINT!!

Trying to carry a step ladder, a load of washing, a rucksack and a bag of rubbish down the stairs all at the same time is only likely to result in a few heart stopping moments of anticipation and adrenalin (take it where you can get it) and a questionable belief that you may be able to get away with this type of lunacy on a more frequent basis.

Even my fabled 'To Do List' has failed me this last week or so - I haven't even had time to update that, which probably accounts for why I appear more forgetful than usual.  I'm usually bad enough at remembering what I've done at the weekend when someone asks the inevitable question on a Monday morning - if I haven't got it written down somewhere forget it (no pun intended)!

For someone so supposedly busy I've written a surprisingly long post, must get back to doing whatever it was I was supposed to be doing next.  I'm sure that cup of tea, cheese and crackers supper (with an episode of NYPD Blue - we're up to season 10 of 12) is on the list somewhere!

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