Wednesday 9 January 2013

Powerballad Day!

It was my first day back at work so wasn't the best timing, I did my best though and played plenty of powerballads (every Richard Marx song on my ipod) in my office.

Just be grateful it wasn't also karaoke day.

Today would have been a good day to have watched 'Rock of Ages' though (I really don't know why but I did find Mr Cruise disturbingly attractive in this film).


Mrs Moon said...

Ha, I expe3rienced the same effect watching Rock of Ages last night. I had to keep reminding myself nononon this is Tom 'wierdy tiny King Of the Lizard People Scientology' Cruise. But he managed to achieve 'hot but vulnerable'...always a bad combo for me ;) Nice blog by the way!

Heidi Orange said...

I'm so glad it wasn't just me! Glad you like the blog, it keeps me out of trouble (well, sometimes it gets me in it!)!

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