Monday 15 April 2013

Blah, Blah, Blah Day!

The day for doing the stuff people (and yourself) have been telling (nagging) you to do!

I finally finishing going through the films on my hard drive and deleting all those I've watched and don't want to keep and made good headway on the books, while I was doing all of this I was also listening to my Itunes and deleting anything on there that I don't want to keep.  I resolved to spend a bit of time each evening doing the same - but then I've resolved to do this before!

Then I planned all the crafty stuff I want to get done over the rest of the year - yeah, that'll never happen to schedule either, I was supposed to start the Christmas stockings a couple of months ago!

I am my own worst nagger (despite the fact that I'm supposed to be going easy on myself this month!)...




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