Thursday 2 May 2013

April Me-ness Mantra - The Results!

Ok, here we go...(reminder of the Mantra HERE)

I AM amazing, wonderful AND brilliant
(Someone at work did actually tell me on 1st of April that I was brilliant - unfortunately I can't for the life of me remember who it was or why they said it.  Obviously this is because it happens so often that I just take it for granted now...)

April is going to be the best month yet...Yep, EPIC success!

I wasn't kind to myself every day but I was more conscious of when I wasn't being, I may have wasted a moment (or two) worrying but nothing excessive I promise!

I have made the most of every second of precicisely 10.5 days of April which I think is actually pretty good going!

Haha, I've actually had the TV on more than normal but barely watched it when it was on as the conversation was much more interesting, I haven't gotten outside as much as I'd have liked but I'm hoping that'll change in May, I've put pen to paper and got a little creative (and made an admittedly feeble attempt to start the Christmas stockings) and done a fair bit of getting more me than I've ever been before!


Bernadette Bradley said...

They told you this on the 1st April you say??? lol x

Heidi Orange said...

HAHAHAHA - what are you implying?! I hadn't even noticed, how very dare you! x

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