Monday 6 May 2013

Get on Your Soapbox Day!

I managed to put a MOON CANNON on my soapbox! I will beat you!

Something about this sentence just appealed to me.

And here it is in context...

A favourite pasttime among children is to build racers from junk found around the house and garage. Usually, crates used for carrying soap are used for the "bodies". So, a soapbox either refers to a crate used for carrying soap (wow) or the body of something young people drive about in.
I managed to put a MOON CANNON on my soapbox! I will beat you!
Other (urban dictionary) definitions of soapbox include...
Refers to someone having the attention of others as they speak.
Comes from when, back in the day, people would stand on soap boxes in parks and give speeches.
He was out standing on the soapbox, bitching about how the world was unfair.
(n.) a downhill race for american children, where they design go-carts that have no steering, to get them used to the fact that american roads have no corners, and american cars cannot turn worth shit.
The soapbox derby is lame.
A wooden crate used in shipment of soap.
Used by one who wishes to stand above others to give a speech.
The lunatic on the corner stood on a soapbox to tell us the world is ending.
I'm trying to decide which of  the 'bitching', 'moon cannon', 'lame' or 'lunatic' approaches would be most appropriate for me...

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