Monday 3 February 2014

Ssssshhhhh...(January Mission) - The Results

A recap of this month's goals can be found here -

Hahahaha! If only!

I've come to the conclusion that stopping worrying is far beyond my capabilities - I can still laugh in the face of what-ifs and if-onlys (see above) and have indeed ventured this month into the why-nots (although whether or not they've been in any way, shape or form related to my true destiny is questionable!) BUT not without even a tiny little corner of my mind frantically worrying away! Unfortunately most of the things I fear actually DO come to pass, and then some!

I said YES and LET'S DO IT to dipping mini milk ice creams into poached eggs (see below), if you want more fearless than that you'll have to look elsewhere!

(and, based on this month, it's not looking too promising on the world domination front either!)

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